Food Poisoning Causative Agents and Causing Bacterias

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Safe food refers to food that is free from food poisoning causative agents, such as bacterial and chemical contamination. Negligence on this issue will not only lead to the closure of businesses but also to death in serious cases.

The provision of safe food to customers is the most essential activity of food operators. Provision of safe food is a team activity, and it involves food handling activity must be vigilant and ensure that the food is handled in the most careful manner.

Consumers should be provided with food prepared hygienically and with great care. Poorly prepared food may be contaminated by bacteria, chemicals, or both; this causative agent of food poisoning makes the customers fall sick.

What is food poisoning?

Food poisoning is an illness characterized by stomach pains, diarrhea, and sometimes vomiting that develops within 1 to 36 hours after consuming the contaminated food.

Different Food Poisoning Causative Agents

Food may be contaminated by the following:

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  • Chemical: This results in chemical food poisoning.
  • Harmful bacteria result in bacterial food poisoning.

1. Chemical Causative Agents

It occurs when the chemicals accidentally contaminate food. Chemical food poisoning may occur due to the following:

  • Chemicals are sprayed on vegetables and fruits during cultivation. Sometimes these fruits and vegetables are affected by the chemicals. When these are not washed properly before use, they get into food and cause chemical food poisoning.
  • Zinc poisoning occurs when acid foods are stored or cooked in poor-quality enameled or galvanized vessels.
  • Copper pans should be properly tinned and should never be used for storing acidic foods, as they will dissolve some quantity of harmful copper.
  • Lead poisoning may occur when the water that has been in contact with lead pipes is drunk or used in cooking.

2. Bacterial Causative Agents

Bacterial food poisoning occurs when food is contaminated by harmful bacteria. Bacteria thrive in warm and moist foods. Bacteria spread faster, mainly through cross-contamination.

Cross-contamination refers to the transfer of bacteria from contaminated food to uncontaminated food through hands, tools, work surfaces, kitchen cloth, cutting boards, etc.

Which food poisoning causes bacteria?

These four types of bacteria are responsible for the usual types of food poisoning:

  • Salmonella
  • Staphylococcus Aureus
  • Clostridium Perfringens
  • Listeria Monocytogenes

The ideal environmental factors that are responsible for the rapid growth of this food-poisoning-causing bacterias are:

1. Temperature

The ideal temperature for the growth of bacteria is 4–63 degrees Celsius, and they grow rapidly at body temperature, 37 degrees Celsius.

The temperature range of most kitchens is ideal for the growth of bacteria. The food should not be kept in the temperature range of 4 to 63 degrees Celsius for more than 1 or 2 hours.

Heat-registered spores need 4 to 5 hours of boiling to get killed. To make the food completely safe, it should be heated for a sufficient length of time. Bacteria at cold temperatures neither get killed nor multiply. They remain dormant for long periods.

If the food is contaminated before storing it at a cold temperature, the bacteria will be active once the temperature is raised. Food, be it raw or cooked, should never be allowed to remain in the danger zone of 4 to 63 degrees Celsius for more than 1 or 1/2 hours.

2. Moisture

Moisture is necessary for the bacteria to multiply. If it is deprived of moisture, bacteria will not develop.

For example, it cannot multiply on dry foods. Ideal foods for bacterial growth are custards, creams, gravies sauces, etc.

3. Time

Time is another reason for the growth of food-poisoning bacteria. The longer a food is stored at room temperature, the greater the presence of bacteria. It divides into two every 20 minutes under the ideal condition, and in 6 to 7 hours, there will be millions of bacteria present in the food.

The presence of a small number of bacteria has little effect compared to large numbers. Therefore, one should not keep the food for a long time at room temperature. Food should be consumed immediately after preparation.

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Dipayan Mondal
Dipayan Mondal

Dipayan is the author of this blog. He completed his hotel management degree from GNIHM, Kolkata. And he is very passionate about the hospitality industry. And right now, he is working as a successful hotelier in a 5-star hotel.