Food and Beverage Manager Duties and Responsibilities

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A food and beverage manager takes all the vital decisions on managerial activities of planning, organizing, staffing, motivating, and controlling.

Duties and Responsibilities of the F&B Manager

The food and beverage manager directs the operations of the F&B department. The duties are to manage all the functions of kitchens, service areas, purchases, stores, and stewarding, and the chefs, managers, and supervisors of these departments report to them.

List of duties and responsibilities of a food and beverage manager:

1. Formulating financial, catering, and marketing policies and strategies.

2. Appointing the right people for the right job.

3. Preparing a budget for the department consulting departmental heads.

4. Planning menus for various outlets in consultation with chefs and restaurant managers.

5. Designing and implementing sales promotional activities to achieve the revenue target.

6. Analyzing competitors’ strategies and their market share.

7. Liaising with government agencies.

8. Keeping the staff updated on the latest trends in the food and beverage sectors.

9. Controlling all three elements of costs- food cost, labor cost, and overheads.

10. Scheduling a training program for all the staff of the food and beverage department.

11. Ensuring the predetermined quality of dishes and services offered to guests is maintained.

12. Maintaining a very good rapport with guests.

13. Attending meetings called for by the general manager.

14. Implementing hygiene and safety standards.

15. Monitoring the performance of the departments.

16. Investment decisions on equipment procurement, expansion of food and beverage outlets, and so on.

17. Select suppliers for kitchen commodities and alcoholic beverages.

So, these are the basic duties of a food and beverage manager in a hotel. I hope you found this information helpful.

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Dipayan Mondal
Dipayan Mondal

Dipayan is the author of this blog. He completed his hotel management degree from GNIHM, Kolkata. And he is very passionate about the hospitality industry. And right now, he is working as a successful hotelier in a 5-star hotel.