What is the History of Gin

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What is Gin?

The term ‘Gun’ is taken from the first part of the word Genièvre, which is the French term for juniper. Juniper is the principal botanica (flavoring agent) used in the production of gin.

The word ‘Geneva’ is the Dutch translation of the botanical, juniper. Maize is the cereal used in gin production in the United Kingdom. However, Rye is the main cereal generally used in the production of Geneva gin and other Dutch gins. Malted barley is an accepted alternative to the cereals mentioned above.

The two key ingredients (botanicals) recognized for flavoring purposes are juniper berries and coriander seeds.

What is the History of Gin

The word gin is an abbreviation derived either from the French word genièvre or the Dutch jenever both meaning juniper berry.

In the 19th century, gin was a cheap remedy for London’s poor, and at that time, there was absolutely no control over the production of gin. It was produced all over London. The menace of gin was controlled to some extent by the government taxes and licensing laws for distilling.

The introduction of the Coffey still (continuous still) method in 1831 gave scope for the production of better quality gin and the inferior quality gin slowly faded away.

Over the years, it became more respectable to drink gin, although it is considered as Mother’s ruin because the juniper berry is thought to induce abortion. Today gin is the national drink of England.

What are the Different Types of Gins

1. Fruit Gin: As the term implies, these are fruit-flavored Gin that may be produced from any fruit. The most popular are Sloe, Orange, and Lemon. 

2. Geneva Gin: This is made in Holland by the pot still method alone and is generally known as ‘Hollands’ Gin. 

3. London Dry Gin: This is the most well-known and popular of all the Gins. It is unsweetened. 

4. Old Tom: This is a Sweet Gin made in Scotland. The sweetening agent in Sugar syrup. As the name implies, it was traditionally used in a Tom Collins cocktail. 

5. Plymouth Gin: This has stronger than London Dry and is manufactured by Coates in Devon. It is most well known for its use in the cocktail Pink Gin, together with the addition of Angostura bitters.

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Dipayan Mondal
Dipayan Mondal

Dipayan is the author of this blog. He completed his hotel management degree from GNIHM, Kolkata. And he is very passionate about the hospitality industry. And right now, he is working as a successful hotelier in a 5-star hotel.